Today, 26 January 2023, Professor Abdullahi Y. Shehu, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the Russian Federation received the newly elected Executive Council of the Association of Nigerian Scholarship Students in Russia (ANSSIR), who visited the Embassy to brief him on the formation of the new leadership, present the aims and objectives of the Excos, as well as discuss the academic activities of the scholars in general.
In his remarks, Mr. Daniel Idiare, the new President of ANSSIR expressed appreciation to the Ambassador for receiving his team. Subsequently, he highlighted the plans of the newly elected Executive Council which includes enhancing student’s welfare, monitor academic performance of scholars and collaborating with renowned local and international bodies in carrying out their activities. Thereafter, Mr. Idiare requested for the cooperation of His Excellency and the Embassy officials, in order for the new leadership of Association to actualize its dreams of realizing the set goals.
In his response, Ambassador Shehu informed ANSSIR that the Embassy remains committed to their welfare and will continue to collaborate with them in order to make their stay in Russia comfortable and their educational goals achievable. Additionally, he stated that the Embassy will engage both Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Federal Ministry of Education in an effort to ensure that students that excel brilliantly in their academics are recognized and utilized in national development.
Finally, while reiterating the Embassy’s continuous willingness to assist the Nigerian scholars in settling their academic and consular matters, Ambassador Shehu urged them to always notify the Embassy of their requests on time, for the issues to be properly addressed.
Embassy of Nigeria of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Moscow, Russian Federation
26 January 2022